Global Logistics Dashboard

In this project, I developed a comprehensive Power BI solution to visualize key metrics and trends in logistics operations, demonstrating my proficiency in data visualization and interactive dashboard design. The dashboard features:

  • Interactive Date Slider: Empowers users to dynamically explore data for tailored time ranges between 1/1/2018 and 12/30/2020, fostering flexible and adaptable analysis.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Cards: Present essential metrics like number of orders, total quantity, and customer count, providing a quick snapshot of business performance.

  • Decomposition Tree: Uncovers granular insights into order composition by category and subcategory, enabling targeted strategies for optimization.

  • Matrix Table: Clearly visualizes the distribution of orders across different shipping methods (First-class, Same Day, Second Class, and Standard), facilitating informed decisions for shipping prioritization.

  • Filled Map: Enhances geographic understanding of order origins and pinpoints high-volume states through a visually intuitive color gradient, aiding targeted marketing efforts and resource allocation.